[Serious] What should you NEVER do on a first date?

It's not my clearest of memories. Lol

My close unit of friends had told me about a halloween party an old friend from high school was having. It also happened to be right after the renaissance festival, so I had pieces of what could've been a sweet Victorian costume. Unfortunately, I had ruined the shirt-portion with spilled beer from a previous party, and my my pre-game drunkenness had figured "Just wear what you have." So I attended this party in a top hat, boots, a fake beard, a brown overcoat and a Cheech and Chong shirt. Effectively giving me the appearance of a homeless man.

Several bottles and 9 shots later I notice I'm smoking a joint, which I'd decided to not do for personal reasons, and there's a strange woman with my top hat standing next to me. She's dressed as Cheech, and after a rather foggy conversation I learned that she assumed I had dressed as Chong. I asked how she had taken my top hat, and she said replied, "I traded it for that joint you're smoking."

(Time lapse for an unknown period)

She now has my coat and my hat. I ask how she had taken my coat, she replies, "I traded it for that IPA in your hand." At this point, my perception of time is nil, and later I discovered she had essentially fed me ~4 IPA's. I ask her her name and she says she's told me 4 times already.

10am. I am in bed. My head hurts. I have no clue how or when I'd gotten there. I remember her face and only one detail of the name. It was a type of alcohol. For the sake of the story, we'll use a fake but appropriate name. I remember "Gin".

After a bit of social media scouring and questioning of party-attendees she is found. She tells me everything that had happened, (save a few details that I'd rather leave out) and 10 months later we are here with two dogs and a roommate soon to be left alone.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent