[Serious] When was the last time your really cried and why?

To be honest I can't really remember exactly. Probably sometime last year I bet. It was most likely over something stupid though. Truth is I never find myself crying over the "important" things. Like for example when my grandmother and the family dog passed away (separately) both times I just found myself wondering why I wasn't crying. I decided that I didn't really feel all that bad about it, but I sure as hell felt bad for not feeling bad if that makes any sense? On the other hand if too many small things happen in one day, or maybe I find out someone doesn't quite live up to expectations that I set for them. If I happen to be alone then that'll be my "cry for the year" as I call it. It's really a range between a few months to a year to be more accurate. I've already decided for myself that this is a weird way to act. I'm probably not going to seek any kind of therapy because I hate talking about myself. It makes me feel selfish, I hate being judged, and I'm afraid people I confide in will use what I say against me. (This has happened in the past which, to be honest was only a few people) The first two reasons give a good chance that I'm going to delete this post later on if it makes me cringe. I haven't figured out quite whats wrong with me but I have taken steps to try and "fix" it. For example, I've worked on better communication with my friends and family. Like not being afraid to tell what they mean to me, or if their actions make me feel good or bad. I try to do this in a way that leaves them open to do the same for me in return. This has proved to be a far better alternative to just cutting them out of the list of people who actually have an impact on my emotions. Another thing I haven't really tried yet but probably should do is not being afraid of attachments with people, or more specifically, the rejection that comes with it. I have come to believe that the consept of risk and reward strongly applies to relationships. Lets say the risk is rejection. This means that right now I'm 0% risk as I don't really talk to strangers and I have never asked a girl out. In return I'm at 0% reward. I have never had a girlfriend if we all agree that middle school doesn't count. Also, even though my friends are awesome, because I grew up with them I'm not going to count them and say I haven't gained a new friend. Right now I'm in sort of my own apathetic "bubble." There is just really no motivation to attack my fear of risk because I'm perfectly fine with being "alone." On the other hand, sometimes it just feels like I'm just wasting time that could have been given to more productive people. Anyway this is starting to become a wall of text that is more my train of thought rather than an answer to your question so I'll go ahead and end it. TL;DR I'm an athletic weirdo

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