Seriously, Trump supporters. I am so far away from your vote. Can you explain to me, rationally, why you vote for Trump?

Getting cheaper products benefits American consumers - it's the equivalent to getting a raise. The benefits of this outweigh the loss of employment for people working in certain sectors. I do agree that the government should help the losers of globalisation I.e. the workers who lose their job either through retraining or some other sort of welfare scheme.

The real problem with globalisation is that everyone sees the losers, but no-one sees the winners - which is everyone. We've all seen the soon to be outsourced workers on the news, or have a friend who was laid off, but no one recognises the fact that can get MUCH cheaper phones, clothes, cars, TV's etc. Decades of economic research show that the average person - not just the people who own the outsourcing companies, but everyone - gain more from globalisation than they lose out. You can find evidence all over the internet, but to show you that their is a clear consensus among economists, see this poll of distinguished economists, showing 100% of respondents disagree or strongly disagree with the statement that tariffs would benefit the average American.

Again, for the record, I empathise with the displaced workers, and agree that they need help from the government. But protectionism isn't the answer, it clearly makes everyone worse off. See also : Soviet Russia.

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