Sexism Is Bad For Mental Health -- Even Men's

So here's what I think, a non-scientific douchebag.

Males are consistently targeted by self-esteem bullshit through their formative educational years. Self-esteem, and confidence, are inversely related. Self-esteem, despite the name, is completely driven by outside authority. Gold stars don't magically appear, participation trophies don't magically appear. Being told you're a "good boy" doesn't happen on your own. You are controlled by an authoritarian, manipulating your emotions, because confidence is a self created thing. No one want you to have confidence, they want you be controlled and not be able to have any self-reliance. Confidence may cause a building of a healthy ego, and therefore, all men are rapists. Confidence is a male trait, it relates to our comfort in out abilities and a realistic measure of them. You can be over confident certainly, and you can have low confidence. Confidence is a quality that builds over a lifetime. The self-esteem movement has completely destroyed the building of men's confidence during formative years.

As part of authoritarian control, women in education have dictated male children be pumped full of drugs to control them. Instead of directing energy, it must be suppressed and medicated out of you. Stand up for yourself? Be funny? Be bored with regurgitated soviet era education methods? Drug that boy quick. Suppress any natural instinct. You're a bad boy.

What does this have to do with shit? Well this meta study (already bullshit) did do what it set out to do. It took a bunch of key words from gender studies papers, applied them to those who look for authority figures because of issues, then said those issues were because of these words.

In that the meta study is correct. A bunch of psychological conditions were correlated with key words in other studies that based their findings on those key words being used in other studies.

It doesn't matter if some or all of those key words actually apply to males. It doesn't matter than some or all of them showed the opposite of what the study wanted to say.

it doesn't matter than black or latino or asian men had skewed results, those results were thrown out as their cultures don't line up with the western male-cusk model. It also didn't matter if the psychological issues were actually known, they were self-reported.

So if I want to score some xanax, I can go to a doctor and say, "muh feels" and get some xanax. That doesn't necessarily I have that reality. Much like drug seeking behavior for opiates, what's reported, and what's reality, are not the same thing.

Also, a psychologically healthy man may have all those qualities, but they seek help in other ways. Not everyone has been brainwashed to go cry in a therapists office over everything in life. Some seek non-psychological help (i.e., actual help) for issues in life. Which then solves the issue or lets you cope with the issue.

Having a body issue, and seeking a gym membership is ignored, because it solves a problem or at least makes you feel better about it since you're actually doing something.

Instead, the study asked "Do you ever feel sad? Did you go to therapy?" No? You're fleeing psychological help and you have negative psychological issues".

I took psychology, which is where they get the majority of their test subjects from. They don't go to the business majors or science majors or others, they get it from people interested in psychology in the first place, meaning they probably have a few psyche issues themselves, and figure they can info dump on a survey about all their issues, but not that they went to therapy for them.

And why do people have issues? Well confidence isn't incentivized in males, but self-esteem is, and since you didn't get a cookie that day, you certainly aren't going to blame your own shortcomings, so it MUST be outside forces! "Those Chad's fucking hot chicks are why I am depressed! They are confident and go to the gym and are much stupider than me! They made me feel bad!"

Basically this study could be repeated by going to /r/incels, and listing all the keywords in there, then deciding that, "Hmm...they hate women and are misogynistic, looks like hatred of women leads to mental upset".

No shit sherlock, fucked up people are fucked up.

These studies show that fucked up people have fucked up problems, and never learned any skills to deal with the world of adults. There's no one giving you a participation trophy as an adult, you have to earn things. Since many young males have zero positive male role models, you end up with a bunch of feminized males, most likely from psychologically poor single mother households where the emphasis is on survival, not psychologically serving their children, now in college lacking any self-empowered skills or any idea how to actually be a man. Then taking a survey on how they feel. What would one expect the answer to be? We have a cult of psychological help taught at every level. It's just a rehash of, "You have a problem? Go talk to the priest. Go to confessional".

Well you aren't going to not say something is wrong, you're going to say whatever is necessary. There's nothing wrong with seeking psychological help if you feel you need it. The thing psychologists won't admit is that not everyone needs it. Just like feminists, "everything is the patriarchy", psychologists feel "everyone is fucked up and needs psychology" and God fuck you if you feel otherwise or solve your own problems in life.

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