The sexual fantasies of others.

She's saying she wants to be dominated by someone who is only interested in doing it with a willing partner.

I agree, but this is a trivial because the vast majority of people aren't looking for someone who is willing to rape.

As opposed to someone who just wants to dominate people regardless of their personal feelings on the matter.

This is generally called rape, and is in the minority of sexual encounters. Again, the assumption that she doesn't want to be raped is a trivial one... and not one that I imagine she'd have spent so large a portion of her screen time discussing.

Someone whose motivation for domination is that their partner is into it as well.

This is circular. "As well" implies a pre-existing motivation; the fact that their partner shares their fetish cannot be the basis of their fetish, as the fetish then wouldn't exist prior to finding out that the other person shared it and thus it wouldn't exist to be shared.

There are two ways you could fix this:

First, you could remove "as well," giving us "someone whose motivation for domination is that their partner is into it," which would mean that she wants to be dominated by someone who is "doing it 'cause she wants to be dominated"--which is exactly what I said.

Your second option is to scrap the sentence altogether, leaving us with the trivial conclusion of your combined 2nd and 4th sentences saying that she doesn't want to hook up with a rapist.

Assuming you go for the second option, I'd argue that her message is deeper than that. She presents two possible motivations for a man wanting to dominate, with one focused on consent and a desire to please her, and another presumably based on a desire to please himself (even as it pleases her). One she trusts, the other she doesn't.

"he wants to do it for a respectful reason ... because it's something we agree on, and he respects me and wants to please me"


"is there something else going on for him."

And because as I've repeatedly said it's trivial to assume she's not looking for someone rapey, the inevitable conclusion is that she just doesn't trust dominant men's motivations. I find it kinda humorous, actually, because it goes without saying that she only wants to be dominated by someone who consents to dominate her; she's not, by having this fantasy, suggesting that some dude be forced into doing it. Yet she seems to fear that a man who fantasizes about dominating her would have an ulterior motive--that he couldn't fetishize domination without simultaneously wanting to rape her.

Tldr: She has a fantasy but doesn't intend to force anyone else to fulfill it. She simultaneously doesn't trust people who have the complementary fantasy because she fears they might want to force her to fulfill it.

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