Sexual grievance lobby recoils at app designed to protect innocent men

Okay. You really showed me.

Except you are grossly uninformed. Worse, you don't know how to persuade, or argue, in a manner that even vaguely resembles effective--the name-calling, the ad hominen attacks, the schoolboy ranting. Very childish, very ineffective. You'd do well to heed my counsel on this point instead of taking offense. At COTWA, we tackle real issues, and we are a leader in helping to set the agenda for the due process-deprived guys in the modern academy. We've had notes from young men telling us our blog was critical in their decisions not to take their own lives. Seriously, pal, I don't have time for irrational diatribes.

To your point. The vast majority of young people who on the prowl to copulate like farm animals don't have the first clue that family law courts are run by a gaggle of brain-damaged social justice warriors who think men are nothing more than ATMs, nor do they care. Nice premise you had there, except there's no evidence for it. As for the men of the hook-up culture, they make up a massive percentage of the men I've been giving voice to for the past seven years. I do not judge them--from what I can tell based on interacting with them and their families, and reading about them, they are good guys. I merely point out that, because of their lifestyle, they are the prime targets of false rape claims. That's not my opinion, it's a fact.

Maybe you think you've got some legitimate philosophy that merits serious consideration, but it you are the spokesperson for it, and if that's how you try to persuade people, you are doing others who subscribe to it, not to mention this subreddit, a grave disservice.

Please go somewhere else and pontificate. This is an important subject, and it's being hijacked by irrationality.

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