[SGA] Some Tips from a raid veteran.

While 100 Raid Completions is good, it's hardly enough to consider yourself.

A few things that are bad advice in my opinion (~300 completions, 50 HM CE, 100 NM CE. 75 NM&HM VoG.)

-"putting as many players as possible on a conflux"

•Never. Ever. A single player can cover Center and One can cover Right. Left is the hardest by quite a margin with 4 spawns attacking left and only 2 attacking right.

-"the relic being dropped will wipe the team in 5 seconds"

•It's called the Aegis by the way, and while your team dies in 5 seconds, if it is not picked up in ~3.5 seconds, its already too late.

-"send your heaviest hitters to left"

•Balance them out. Emphasize more on left, yes, but having a Hunter for Left Shrieker is very helpful, as they can go invisible and destroy it.

-"if you don't aggro ir yut"

•Ir Yût will ALWAYS be moving unless a full team of hunters goes full melee while invisible, as aggroing the Wizards in the beginning will make Ir Yût start shooting at the glass and strafing, even when you are not present. It depends a bit on luck when it comes to the location she stays in upon the Liturgy starting.

-"jump on the platform to engage"

•It seems you are attempting to get people to take sword from middle. Its all opinion, but as a HM Sword for 50+ kills, I ALWAYS go right. Safer and Closest possible area to Crota off of his platform.

-"kill swordbearer as soon as he spawns"

•Please, do NOT do that. Upon the Sword leaving the Swordbearer's hands, a 45 second timer begins. After 15 seconds have passed, this timer starts eating into the Sword's 30 second timer. If you killl Swordbearer after Crota rotates, you will be fine. There is no need to kill him early.

-"left is the best place to take it"

•As stated above, it is not. Maybe as a Warlock, but the jump is blocked by the curve of that wall. Also, Crota will be on the right side of the platform 85% of the time. Left is also harder to ascend to the top of the pillar, and boomers can get you pretty easily there.

If you see a problem with any of the "corrections" feel free to tell me.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread