[SGA] Tired of seeing Scatter Grenade glitchers in ToO? Pre-match, let them know you can see them using it.

So you're telling me that because I use Achlyophage Symbiote because the extra GG shot but it also has Ashes to Assets and the Scatter Grenade because I think it's more useful than Trip Mine and I barely hit stuff with Incendiary, I'm a cheater.

Yes. This glitch is well-known, and if you can't see that your Super is filling up completely after a single grenade, you're just plain lying. With a single A2A it may not fill, but anyone could see that receiving half your Super back is not correct.

And scaring them with false allegations of banning it isn't?, like I said, you were scaring people with lies.

And like I said, if I turn a match from "Cheaters Vs. Me" to "Regular Players Vs. Me," I will. Sorry if cheaters are easily frightened. All I did was make them switch back to a loadout not currently bugged.

Instead of scaring people, why not report it in the Bungie forums,

Already did.

make some noise about the bug and hope for it to be patched?

I am, right now. And I'm teaching people how to discourage cheaters at the same time.

but then again, it's easier to scare people with lies.

You keep going back to this, but all you're doing is defending cheaters. Which is weird, unless you're one of them.

And what if I'm not lying? What if Bungie is tracking the glitch as we speak, and I saved several players who read about the glitch online and though, "cool, I'll try that out" from having the banhammer dropped on them? Informing players that what they're doing isn't acceptable is a service I don't need to offer. But I do.

And, for the 3rd time... if they get scared? Boo-hoo. You can spin-doctor it all you like, but I'm never going to be "sorry" for scaring a cheater straight. They shouldn't be doing it in the first place; then they wouldn't have anything to be scared about, now would they?

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