Share your story with CBD for a chance to win one 50ml bottle 2425mg total CBD ($239.00 value) or just sign up to enter [GIVEAWAY]

Hi all... thanks for the chance to win.

3 years ago I became homebound. Went through injections, meds galore, depression from having to quit my job, and the worst pain 24/7. They want to do double hip and knee surgery...if I can lose weight. Hard to do when you walk slower than a turtle. Started PT in October '16 with water therapy... PT is over but I still do water therapy, helps but not much.

So I researched hours, days months for anything! I found CBD oil about 6 months ago, paid a small fortune for many brands ...finally found one that works. 1. 12 year old injury to my knee, cat couldn't even brush it with it's I can almost kneel on it I can touch it push on pain. 2. Swelling ...gone. 3. Sleep..... like a baby, sleep is my friend again. 4. Mood.... so happy... head so clear. 5. Activity... I've drove 5 times in 3 years... 3 of those just this week. And it's only Tuesday! 6. Gastric issues... none and believe me I should've bought stock in prilosec, tums, alka-seltzer... 2 tums is all I've taken in 2 months.

After umpteen bottles finally one that has given me my life back. Not 100% but I'll take this over the 22 months before June 1st 2017. I still have to use a walker to get around. But I've dropped 4 meds also...a couple more and I'll be close to med free.

Good luck all in the contest.

/r/CBD Thread