This shit is exhausting

what do you even mean by anti did. how is this place anti did? as far as im aware all the og mods had the disorder themselves, there's flairs specifically for people w this disorder, one of the current mods is making a flair for different versions of this disorder, there's plenty of comments that educate and spread info, and there's people w did/osdd who post cringe, there's also the occasional vent as far as i can see. if by anti did you mean the disorder doesn't exist, i think you're the one in the wrong place, not op.

its weird to get upset at someone who has the disorder and dislikes fakers, what would you rather op do, support fakers? flaunt having alters? make a mockery out of the disorder? im confused as to why you're acting like the sub is a dissociative disorder hate club and only people without these disorders can post otherwise everyone's a faker.

some fakers (non traumagenic ones) lurk on this sub, posts like this are actually useful because it can show fakers what they're doing to the community they claim to be apart of. instead of just mocking them, it actually shows a serious side.

/r/SystemsCringe Thread Parent