Are there any 2nd Amendment supporters here?

  1. Mostly inner city crimes where offenders have previously been convinced of a violent crime or have been forcefully admitted to a mental institution. Overall the improvement would be very modest.

  2. Agreed - the training could be done by private instructors who are licensed by the state, similar to restaurant owners, hair salons, real estate appraisers, etc. We likely don't want to set up a department of safety training similar to the department of transportation.

  3. It would help find and prosecute murderers. Many homicide detectives think this is the single best thing we could do to reduce gun violence. The database would be held by the FBI with data security standards similar to other high profile databases which have never been hacked and have limited single user download limits.

  4. I only mean it has to go through an FFL. I've legally purchased firearms from private individuals without an FFL involved (and I appreciated the ease/speed to complete the transaction), but I don't think this type of transaction should be allowed. Exceptions could be made for immediate family, and there are other complicating details, but to answer your question: No, you should not be able to sell your old shotgun to a friend without going through an FFL (who will likely charge $20 or whatever a market rate ends up being).

  5. I'm an advocate of free speech, even to the point of shouting fire in a crowded theater, but it's both lazy and wrong to say the reason we should protect speech is the first amendment.

  6. NRA went from a non-profit with honest intentions to a lobbying group run by gun manufactures whose only goal is to increase gun sales. They have no problem lying to the general public and NRA members if it helps meet that goal.

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