Why should I as a conservative feel guilty for the Texas shooting, as many in the media are claiming I should.

Youre being a bit simplistic. Do you want to talk about what theyre actually saying, or feign some kind of ignorant victim mentality here?

Joy didnt technically blame you. She just wondered how NRA supporters and members sleep at night. That leaves open the possibility that they just don't comprehend the NRA's role in perpetuating and promoting gun violence.

Chelsea is arguing that Republican politicians are the primary reason the NRA is successful at achieving its agenda.

Murphy defines it a bit more explicitly.

Republican voters appear oblivious. Obama was right. Ya'll cling to your guns and religion. It is a common understanding on the left at least, the the NRA's obstruction of policy to maintain higher gun sales for its gun manufacturer overlords results in higher availability of guns which results in more gun crime. Part of how they succeed at this is by pulling the wool over the eyes of Republican voters with fantasy.

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