Should I be mad at my bf for going to strip club?

Hate to think like this but the strat probably was to tell you that he was there but to alter the story saying it was only 5min, and point out that he wouldn’t be telling you if he had anything to hide which makes the fib more believable.

If he really dipped out after 5min, after paying an expensive cover and failing to see from the outside of the building that it was a strip club (unlikely imo…but you can look the place up on maps and see if it’s obvious from the outside or not if you want), he would’ve been alone and bored for the next however many hours with no friends and no transportation. Why would he have not texted you in the moment to laugh about the mishap and kill some time while his friends hung out with strippers? Makes me think he marinated on it for a while to get his story straight.

He’s covered because if it ever slips out that he was there, that much is true…

/r/CallHerDaddy Thread