Should Twitch drones destroy Melusi's banshees with a double shot similar to Maestro cams?

sorry, your argument is shit. goyo is strong in pro league because of a shit ton of bulletproof utility he brings , in fact, he was nerfed from 3 shields to 2 shields because of how strong he was in pro league (he was also very weak in ranked btw), did you also "disagree on that front" with the game developers? pro league is what's mainly taken into consideration when making balancing decisions. also note that gadgets as important as mira windows are also countered by twitch drones, though you don't see mira windows popped by twitch very often. what an ability to destroy goyo shield would mean - you can throw a twitch drone behind a goyo shield and if defenders are bad at paying attention to their surroundings - pop the shield (also most likely destroying your twitch drone by explosion, thus making it a trade of utility just like zofia or ash with their explosives). what making it 2 shot for twitch does is not allowing to just drive into site and kill both shields with your drone without waiting for cool down and also giving defenders 1 extra second to kill the drone after the first tase before making it explode. if twitch got such ability to destroy goyo shields - it would be very situational, you will have to either abuse the lack of awareness in enemy team or wait for defenders to leave the area where they can watch the back of the shield. also, how fucking petty are you to downvote someone just because you disagree with their stance on game balance? you know, downvote button is not an "i disagree" button, but rather "this does not anything to the discussion and should be hidden from other people", right?

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