[SIB] Clustertruck or Battlerite?

If you enjoy small team based PvP (2v2, 3v3), I can highly recommend Battlerite. Very polished considering it's still in early release. There aren't any of the "traditional" trappings of MOBAs like laning, minions, or farming gold for items. It's pure unadulterated team fighting right from gate drop.

MOBA players are really enjoying it because for a lot of MOBA players, the most fun part of the game is the teamfights. Non-MOBA players are enjoying it because there is none of the grind that is typically associated with MOBAs, and matches are short and sweet - so if a game isn't going your way, you're only investing a few minutes instead of the greater part of an hour.

That said, it's pretty much repetitive by definition. Each match will always have the same amount of rounds (minimum of three, max of five), each match will have the same amount of players (either 2v2 or 3v3), and characters, while differing slightly, are categorized into melee, ranged, and support. After you play for an hour or two you'll see everything the game has to "offer" in terms of content.

But the real game is getting good with specific characters, constantly improving your skills in the arena, and learning the ins and outs of each champion so you can properly play against each. It's a lot like a fighting game: once you learn a characters move set, there is nothing more to learn, other than to "git gud" at the fight game. Some people will be bored to tears after a few matches, where others can literally play all day long over and over because the fun is in refining your play, rather than experiencing fresh content.

Only you can say for sure whether or not that appeals to you.

/r/ShouldIbuythisgame Thread