Simple Questions - August 05

Disclaimer: I'm extremely new to this, as I discovered the sub like two days ago. Pretty much all of my clothes are t-shirts/jeans. The more I browse here, the more I realize how much my wardrobe needs changing...

I just have a question about my t-shirt size. I'm 20, around 5'9-5'10, very skinny 130-140lbs, and I've been wearing large t-shirts all of my life. Is this too big for a person of my height/weight? I don't have much money, so I was just going to order a couple shirts before I go back to college, but now I'm debating if I'm wearing my shirts too big now. I can't afford to change my whole wardrobe, so if my shirts are too big, I don't know if it's better to have like 5 mediums and 20 larges, rather than 25 larges, unless that's a terrible idea.

Sorry if this is not the place to post this, and that this is probably a very noob question. I figured this wasn't substantial enough to create a new thread.

TL;DR: I'm 5'9-5-10, 130-140lbs and wear large t-shirts. Are large shirts okay for my height/weight? Are they bad enough that I should start changing my whole wardrobe? Be honest.

/r/malefashionadvice Thread