Is skyrim on switch any good?

I thought it was fine. Graphics are from the remastered version, but a lot of little things are turned down, like visible foliage on the ground. Some settings seem to be below the low PC presets. Even still, it looks and runs a lot better than the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game. Framerate was generally a locked 30 FPS for me, with no drops.

Contrast/Gamma settings were set a bit dark when I initially tried the game on Switch. I'm not sure if this was ever patched, but it made some areas of the game darker than they were in the other console versions. Not sure if this was on purpose or not, since previously it wasn't difficult enough to see in most caves to justify use of torches or the candlelight spell.

No mods is a bummer. PC has a lot of really cool mods for Skyrim, adding a lot of value to the game. Xbox One has some limitations put on how many mods you can install, with 150 mods or 5GB as the limit, whichever you hit first IIRC. PS4 mods were restricted to not use external assets, unless made paid DLC, but even limited this way, there were some pretty interesting ones. Its a bummer than Switch didn't get at least the same level of mod access as PS4, since there's no reasonable reason why that couldn't be done....

Its probably worth mentioning that with PC mods, its possible to get Skyrim running on some of the weakest potato computers you can buy. There are mods, for example, that cut the low quality texture size in half, or even set textures to a single color to be as small as possible. INI file edits, some mods, and a bit of time, and you'll get Skyrim running on a $300 dollar budget laptop no problem...

I personally think its objectively the worst version of Skyrim SE you can buy, but its still pretty decent. Worse because of incorrect gamma, no mods, no console access, (mods and console access can help in situations of Skyrim bugs, which are almost certain to happen at some point), and somewhat low visual settings. That sounds bad, but the game runs pretty smooth, and is full Skyrim SE running on what's basically a Nvidia Tegra X1 tablet. Its a good mobile option, if you don't have a laptop or don't like gaming on a laptop.

I have it, but don't play it, because... well, Skyrim has a lot of little problems and it drives me crazy not being able to fix them. Lydia will decide to just get lost in a dungeon somewhere, and NEVER return home, or something like that, and in the other versions of the game, you have some options to try to remedy the bug. On the Switch, you don't... well, unless you have a jailbroken Switch... where you CAN mod Skyrim, and use the console commands. My Switch isn't jailbroken tho, so I can't really speak to how decent the Switch Skyrim mod community is or isn't.

/r/NintendoSwitch Thread