The Solar Warlock Changes don’t Make the Subclass Feel any Better

Imo heat rises change will be felt a lot after this season, since after without restoration you'll have no other heals when running the Starfire build. The main issue to me is that Starfire is the only build worth your time. Nothing else is worth using besides Sunbracers, and that's really only if you want to go unnecessarily hard in trivial content. Dawn Chorus got shafted by the removal of super extension and nobody cares about melee energy when I can hop with a grenade out and get my melee back, Phoenix Protocol is boring and unnecessary unless you need to chain wells, and Boots of the Assembler are a joke now that benevolent dawn has been turned into a clunky fragment that doesn't work as smoothly. Nothing else is even worth the words it would take me to shit on it. Yes you can use a quirky Verity's Brow build or something if you want, but Starfire outclasses it in every possible way.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread