Solicitor mum of two dies from sepsis five days after scratching her hand gardening

I see people harping on the doctors for not doing the right thing.

Guess how the phrase about hindsight goes guys.

We don't know what she told her doctor but given how the article is talking about it being a minor cut/scrape, she likely didn't even mention it to the doctor. She might have just mentioned the pain in her shoulder. Generic pain in the shoulder could be so many things. I had pain in my arm about a week ago. Didn't die from sepsis. Didn't see the doctor either. It went away on it's own and it was likely a pinched nerve. The doctor probably thought the same thing.

Once the arm became red and swollen and she was vomiting and in much worse pain that's arguably when the doctors who made the second call should have gotten a rap for. But I'm not a trained medical professional, I have no idea how many different diseases and problems could present like that. I'm betting it's more than just sepsis.

Doing a random blood test when it seems unrelated to the problem at hand just in case it's some random thing that could kill you seems absurd.

It's going to the mechanic because the brakes are squealing and having them check the engine instead in case a bad cylinder head explodes and kills you with the shrapnel.

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