Some of the Best Suggestions in Steam Discussions that devs might never see

  1. Maybe - aren't there random battles you can stumble upon?
  2. Yes, should've been at launch
  3. Maybe
  4. A better landing system would be nice
  5. Same as 1.
  6. Not needed
  7. No
  8. Perhaps
  9. Maybe
  10. Yes
  11. Maybe
  12. Not needed imo
  13. Nah
  14. Already in game
  15. Ringed planets supposedly ingame, gas planets yes, nebula maybe
  16. No, better system needed though
  17. Maybe
  18. Yes
  19. Yes, please yes
  20. Nah, it's better if people fine their own feet imo
  21. Nah
  22. No, but make them easier to find/locate
  23. No
  24. Not really, but they need some underwater specific structures
  25. Perhaps
  26. Needs a volume slider
  27. Perhaps
  28. No
  29. Yes
  30. Yes
  31. Yes
  32. Nah
  33. Maybe
  34. Maybe
  35. Yes
  36. No
  37. Not towns, but we need locations that resemble a population of like 3-8 aliens living in close proximity, like settlements
  38. Kinda already do
  39. No.. wtf? Maybe a goals/tracker section in the Journal? Eg: My goal today is to collect x gold, x plutonium, and x zinc
  40. Nah
  41. Solve maybe, not kill.. wtf, destroy a planet, hm, perhaps, more than likely no
  42. Not cities, but we need settlement-type locations
  43. Maybe
  44. Not units but resoucres
  45. Dunno what this means? To call your ship to your location? Perhaps
  46. Yes
  47. Hm, nah, maybe if freighters make it into the game?
  48. Not full on SRVs (from Elite: Dangerous) but something like a jetbike, perhaps
  49. No
  50. Nah
  51. Dunno what this means?


/r/NoMansSkyTheGame Thread Link -