Some random observations from my 15+ years of being in the “reality creation” sphere

#1) Reading isn’t doing. It seems like we’re doing something, because we get the same dopamine hit.

Reading/watching also doesn’t change your beliefs (or as some coaches are now calling it, “your self concept.”)

I’ve read dozens of books, too many posts and watched an unnumbered amount of videos of testimonials.

In the end, it doesn’t mean anything. Just because they succeeded, doesn’t mean you will… IF you don’t persist in changing yourself first.

“Those give me hope and encouragement!” Yes, and that’s all you’re going to get. Nothing else.

#2) Your individual ego is most certainly not the God that Neville and other teachers mention. Not even by a long shot. The God they speak of, doesn’t acknowledge time because to it, the past, present and future are all occurring at the same time.

It already knows all future possibilities and how to perfectly align us to them.

Our ego does not. That is laughably beyond its scope.

It will die when your brain does. God will not.

#3) Beliefs do matter.

You can get upset at this, but it’s true.

I know an influencer probably told you otherwise, but you’ll find out the truth for yourself eventually anyway.

The theme of the belief will show up in cycles throughout the years and even decades, until you remove and/or change it. This is why lottery winners often return to poverty, given enough time. This is why you get your SP, and the old story happens again, just like it did with your ex partners. The actions, events, words and thoughts may be different, but the outcome is usually familiar and predictable.

#4) If your happiness depends on circumstances then you’re in for a rollercoaster of a life, with way way more downs than ups.

Just trust me bro.

None of those things are permanent. Sadly, not even the people.

Billionaires, celebrities, artists, CEO’s… you name them, and I’ll show you some deeply unhappy people under it all.

Get your mind in order first and seek peace and joy despite your current situation, and you’ll have the one thing that no one, no thing and no circumstance can take from you.

Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all other things shall be added unto you.

This is NOT an empty platitude. It is in fact everything.

Do not skim over The Promise that Neville mentions. He may use terminology exclusive to him, but make no mistake, he is speaking of an ancient recognised truth.

It took me a long time to even understand this. I didn’t get it. I got angry when people told me this. After getting most of what I wanted, including now being engaged to my soulmate, the misery and anxiety and old patterns took over again. You’ll inevitably find something else to desire, that you think will make you happy. When the shine of your new thing wears off, then it’s just you and your patterns again.

#5) No, that intrusive fearful thought that keeps you awake at night for days, weeks or even months/years is not going to happen.

Source: Experience. Lots of it.

I have theories as to why this is, but this is already too long.

#6) Is any of this even true or real?

Yes. Without a doubt. Neville was entirely correct.

#7) Physical changes are possible and revision doesn’t just change your feelings.

Your beliefs will impact to what extent the above is true for you.

#8) Consistency is key, when it seems like it’s not working.

Jumping to a new technique or teaching every other day, wont produce your outcome.

#9) point number 4 is more vital than anything else… because it will ironically get you to no. 10

And finally, the thing I discovered accidentally, which I now know, experienced and tested, and that I have confirmed with more evolved teachers:

#10) when you place a single thought into a peaceful and empty mind, that thing shows up near instantly. Regardless of what that thing is.

I have never, ever found anything more potent than the above.

I discovered this is in the worst way, during my meditation phase years ago, but that doesn’t have to be your experience.

Get to that state of peace where your ego has shut up, and where your thoughts are almost never unsolicited. And I mean in the long term; not just during mediation.

You’ll get your stuff, and it won’t be months or years later either.

To try this out, think of something small. Do whatever you do to manifest, and then stay silent in your mind for as long as you can, immediately afterward.

A word of caution: sometimes old stuff will show up, that you’ve forgotten about, during that previous window where you don’t contradict anything.

I have found, for some reason, that doing this isn’t quite the same as when you think and then sleep. I don’t know why.

An intention places into a mind like that, where there are no other thoughts or emotions coming up to contradict it at all, manifest into reality with scary ease.

If you want to play god in a human body, commit to #4 and then place what you want into your mind.

Hope this helps! :D

/r/NevilleGoddard Thread