Some tough love for the emet community <3

If you seriously think the message of my post was “avoid and ignore your phobia” you again seriously misinterpreted and there’s really no point in arguing with you. I don’t have to come on this sub daily to face my fear because I have to face it every single day regardless of whether or not I open my phone. I don’t use this sub as some sort of weird exposure therapy. I hear your anger and I know how exhausting this can be and how it can feel like there’s no end in sight, and on top of that how frustrating it can be when you see a stranger question your coping mechanisms and blankly promise you everything will be okay. But you can choose whether to be angry or whether to be accepting. We can argue all day about the definition of control but that is one very tangible choice. With peace n love <3

/r/emetophobia Thread Parent