Do some "Trump" policies not completely disagree with some of the founding visions of the US?

Regarding "building the wall" and illegal immigrants:

Trump has no problem with Latinos or Mexican immigrants that have come to this country legally. He wants to build a secure border not only to stop illegal immigrants, but also to put a big damper on the illegal drug trade (huge amounts of illegal drugs in the US are smuggled from Mexico).

In my opinion there is nothing wrong with wanting to stop illegal immigration. After all, it is illegal. In fact, you might be surprised to find out that some of the people who are the most angered by illegal immigrants are LEGAL immigrants. To understand why this is imagine there is prestigious university. To get into the university there is a lengthy application process, only a few people out of the large amount of people applying are accepted. A lot are wait-listed, and some are denied. Imagine that there is a group of people who don't go through the application process but just start showing up to class. Now imagine that there are some professors that want to just accept the students who never got accepted into the university. That's not fair to the students who came in legitimately, and it is definitely not fair to those who are wait-listed.

Also, currently illegal immigrants in the United States can never become legal citizens. That is the way the law is currently written. Trump is suggesting sending out illegal immigrants and allowing them to come back the legal way to become citizens, which is something they couldn't do now even if they wanted to. in his words there will be a "big beautiful door" in the middle of the wall to let people come over legally.

Regarding Muslims:

Trump said he wanted to not allow Syrian refugees into the United States until we can "figure out what's going on". He is not against muslim American citizens, in fact I would argue that he is protecting them from accusations of being ISIS members by not allowing refugees in until we have a way to verify.

Which brings me to another point. He said he wouldn't allow refugees in until we had a way to verify who they are and if they had any ties to ISIS. When he made these comments it was just understood that there was no reliable way to figure out who the refugees were and what affiliations they had.

In general:

I've seen nothing that suggests that Trump doesn't believe all men are created equal. In fact he has historically been very socially liberal. I think the biggest thing is that he wants to help Americans first, which I think makes sense for an American president.

/r/AskTrumpSupporters Thread