Somebody needs to do something about that man, fast.

We are not populists interested in changing our conversation to what has the most immediate appeal to the greatest number of people, but radicals invested in changing society at a very fundamental level. We are not here to make people feel comfortable with the system.

No, you're here to engage in intellectual masturbation while accomplishing nothing. Useless, self-righteous identity-politics are why in the 24 years I've been involved in anarchist politics anarchists have accomplished jack shit.

People like you are the what kills the movement. You're why Occupy accomplished nothing. You're why Donald Trump has a base. You're not only useless, you're actively counter-productive.

It's all such self0righteous fucking bullshit. You aren't even listening to what I'm saying. You're so intent on proving that you're more enlightened than me that you're being a fucking douchebag and accusing me of acting "in a fragile way" (nice fucking buzzword) because I'm trying to tell you that you can't reach the poor whites we need in this movement while simulatenously berating them and demanding they apologize to you. It makes you come across as a condescending, know-it-all elitist prick.

But you don't care, because YOU ARE a condescending, know-it-all elitist prick. Being a self-righteous douchebag is more important to you that actually involving people who don't know what "fragility" means.

You're an arrogant, stupid fucking idiot. That's what you are. That's what 95% of the anarchist movement is. Stupid, fucking elitist assholes whose real motivation is to circlejerk each other over how superior they are because of their mastery of fucking buzzwords. You fucking people aggravate me so fucking much.

You know, I live in a poor rural community that is 96% white, and its got one of the highest percentages of cooperative business in America -- there are literally co-ops everywhere you look -- but when I talk to people about politics they're all right wingers. You know why? You know why

It's because they know over-educated urban people like you think they're a bunch of stupid, ignorant racists hicks.

But fuck meeting those people where they live, right? No, they've got to grovel and apologize for being poor white trash and learn to speak your buzzwords before you'll deign to stop looking down your nose at them.

You're useless bigoted prick.

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