As somebody who always felt like the outcast friend when I was a kid, the friend that was always an afterthought and who only joined events because I tagged along, this scene really spoke to me, and made me appreciate the friends I have now, the ones that make sure I know that I'm part of the party.

This scene hit home for me too. I struggled with it as a kid and it’s something I still struggle with. I feel I’m always the after thought, but more often, the forgotten. A recent low point came when a friend texted asking what my Fourth of July plans were, and when I said my fiancé and I didn’t have plans made yet, asked me to watch her and two of our other friends dogs for the day. My closest and truest friend is living away for the next few years but I’m hoping one day to have a group of friends who wants me there too, but I’m kind of afraid I may always feel this way. I’ve sorta got myself convinced it’s not them, it’s me.

/r/StrangerThings Thread Link -