Sometimes I feel like being vegan has made me a less sympathetic person.

I guess people can easily get desensitised, e.g. Think of all the terrorist related deaths that have occurred this month. There are lots of disgusting and evil things happening all over the world, but then there is a lot of good and beauty too.

If there is anything we should take from this event, it is to focus on strengthening close relationships with our loved ones, working towards good (not succumbing to corrupted dogma / hatred / derision of others), and living a great life.

Our society is far safer than it has (possibly ever) been in the past, despite disgusting events like this, and a life of fear is worse than death. Be vigilant, tolerant, determined, and be positive.

The gunner(s) may have made a temporary name for theirselves but think of what they have done to 50+ people, their families, friends, and loved ones; LGBT communities worldwide; innocent Muslims (including LGBT Muslims); light brown skinned people travelling in the West (inc. refugees); not to mention their parents, family, friends (who may now feel guilt/under scrutiny), right down to the person who sold them the wepeons, not to mention all the unecessary division that shall play out for political/media/monetary gain over the next couple of weeks. What a waste.

Instead, one can focus on living well and if so inclined show solidarity to any of the affected groups, as the natural unchallenged consequence of such actions are to incite hatred and division just like that pathetic church shooter who was welcomed into a 'black church' and yet decided to open fire. Don't play their game, that is more productive than either feeling distraught or guilty for not feeling bad.

/r/vegan Thread