SonyD leaks the soda drama

Tbh MOST people with a social life actually do some degree of drugs. First of all I don't even know the reynad comment you're talking about. So this might not even be worth responding to but like, that could mean weed, ecstasy idk, he might have just been having a conversation in passing on stream and be like "Oh I think I've heard this one thing."

And again on my point, you're still making this giant leap, I guess now we're going "Oh reynad said this one time 4 years ago that Lea like drugs." to "Maybe she's a fucking meth head boys!"

And I think the thing that pisses me off is all the kids on here that talk shit 24/7 and post actual funny jokes as /r/cringe that don't actually have social lives at all start being armchair (EVERYTHINGS) over bullshit drama like this. Like you literally have (probably) 13 year olds commenting in this thread speculating on reasons they saw that she might be... mentally ill, suicidal, drug addicted, etc etc etc.

And the only reason I say 13 year olds is because none of these people are intelligent or objective or have basic social skills so I just hope they're 13 because i'd just lose faith in humanity if these kids were actually adults even though I'm sure there are a lot of adults commenting on this shit with their theories as well.

The comment just bothers me because every fucking autistic lonely loser comes to this thread to shit on a cute girl because she's a notorious boobie streamer / classic boobies streamer. Their basically anti-white knighting being just as autistic in coming up with ways to insult / point out every stupid thing she's done as a sign of fucking mental illness, drug addiction, suicide etc.

Just fuck off really.

I'm not even white knighting here, white knights for the boobie streamers are autistic. But so are the anti-white knights in this thread. I think it's actually equal levels of social retardation that develop both an edgelord on this subreddit, and a sad kid that watches boobie streamers to feel socially connected with a cute girl.

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