Checking the map in 3rd lane. (140km/h)

Hazards in my country of Iceland is in my experience used correctly. By other Icelanders that is. Some tourists treat them differently however, they use them when they're driving slow, like 50kph where normal traffic is driving at 90.
Iceland doesn't have freeways and multi lane roads all over. A side from some parts near the capital, all roads connecting one town to the next is a one way road, usually full of blind hills and corners and the speed limit is always 90kph (about 55mph), although it's an unspoken rule you can drive 100kph without ever getting in trouble. So when tourists stop just after a blind hill, put their hazards on and hop out to take pictures on a road where people are generally driving 90kph it's insanely dangerous.

I get it, our roads are basically like off the beaten path country roads for other countries. But it's still our main road with traffic and it's dangerous.

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