South African news reporter gets mugged live on air.

Albino Cannibalism-

Virgin Child Rape to Cure AIDS-

African IQ Statistics and Case Studies-

I've lived in many african countries. Your statement is uneducated and lacks proper thought. I wont even delve into how offensive it is. Re-think and try again, maybe even travel sometime and open your own eyes.

Oh no I'm so ignorant because mommy and daddy won't give me their credit card so that I can travel around Africa to show my peers how progressive I am! But seriously I am never going to Africa. I've traveled to Europe and around America. I have plans to travel to South America and Asia in the future. But I will never set 1 single toe onto African soil. I don't want my name associated with any of those search results.

How am I ignorant? I have valid sources in respected newspapers and academia backing up everything that I have said. I have left out dozens if not hundreds more saying the same thing. But I will agree that it is offensive. The truth does hurt sometimes. And the liberal lie of multiculturalism and equality is offensive as fuck when you know the truth. That's the thing about science, if politics doesn't agree with it, it's still science. Just because a fact is mean doesn't make it false.

In all seriousness I'm glad that you got to bum around Africa for a while without getting raped...or murdered. I'm not going to take that chance. A white person chances of death vastly increases once they cross that border and I enjoy being alive, AIDS free, and I don't want to have to lie to people once I get back. "How was Africa" "It was awesome, totally not the asshole of humanity where I've seen more human horrors and degeneracy in my 2 weeks there then in my whole 30 years spent on this planet previously. The lions where really cool." I've seen lions in a Zoo, and there were no people trying to mug me and rape the woman I was with. I am never going to Africa.

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