South Korea's Online Banking System Is Stuck In 1996

Wait, just because it causes foreigners discomfort too doesn't mean Hancom belongs in the same sentence as those outdated e-commerce practices. What exactly is it that they've done wrong? Managing to hold their ground for decades as a domestic alternative against a global monopoly-behemoth by delivering quality and differentiating their product with localized features? Expecting to be actually paid for their commercial, proprietary software? Not being able to force Microsoft into adding support for their competing product? Being made the primary software with which governmental business in Korea is conducted, when the government could have, I don't know, just ignored the perfectly viable domestic product and gone with what is the global standard in the market not because it was established as such at IEEE or something, but in no small part thanks to antitrust practices? Why, exactly, should Koreans constrain their usage of word processor software to Microsoft Word alone when they can instead use a product better suited for their needs, as well as supporting a company providing growth and jobs at home?

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