Spiral against Gear by Serafim (Earth and the rest of the Solar System in 2457)

[Note: Before reading the author's description, the author has stated that Hillary winning in the 2016 election is "a universal PoD that can justify anything you like.

I'm not too keen on "anti-SJW" stuff anymore, and the description for Australia made me hesitant to post this, but a description of a racist society is not necessarily an endorsement of racism - after all, the Arab world becomes a high-tech superpower here. Anyways, I like the idea of humanity ]

Future history map in RvBOMally style

PoD - Hillary Clinton's victory in elections.

Main idea 1969=1492 2457~1980

[Note: Basically: A neo-Japanese Empire parallels the British Empire, the Confederation of Kasei (Mars) parallels the U.S, the Universal Demaist Federation (encompassing the Arab World) parallels the Soviet Union, a racist, isolationist Australia parallels Japan, etc.]


Europe SJWism (Social Justice Warriors) has achieved its goal. Europe has become the ideal of social justice where all possible minorities, including imaginary friends, have rights. SJWists banned genetic and cybernetic upgrades so that no one would destroy the utopia. But this was not enough for them. They derived the term "Europe" from the language. It became intolerant at the end of the 21st century. This was replaced by a neutral "Western Eurasia". The actions of SJWists have led to the fact that Western Eurasia has lagged behind the rest of the world. The European Federation was divided into hundreds of principalities and fell into a two-hundred-year crisis. The situation changed only with the advent of the Japanese administration, which brought Europe together again. Tokyo created here a few large states that survived after decolonization. Some of them can make Europe great again. For the first time in several centuries.

Universal Demaist Federation - is the strongest state of the Earth, the second superpower of the solar system. It was formed as a result of an anti-clerical revolution in the Islamic Arab Federation in the late 24th century. The essence of demaism (from “Deus ex Machina”) is the creation of an ideal society of equal people, to be governed by an impartial AI Arbitrator. The goal of demaism is the creation of Eden in the scale of the Solar System, where committed immortal people will live in a perfect and just society under the Patronage of an Artificial God. His first version ready at the moment. Every citizen of the Alliance of Equals is already connected with Him and can mentally ask Him for help or advice. Today "Yahweh" is only a consultant on economics, politics and sociogenesis, but the government promises that He will become mature enough to give Him power at the beginning of the 26th century.

Federation of Bantu - The most populated state of the Earth. For a long time, the Bantu land was divided between the Great Powers. But after the Great Interplanetary War, the African demaists were able to unite the people and drive out the invaders. Now it is the strongest and most wayward ally of the Demaist Federation.

Kingdom of Australia - the last refuge of the Anglo-Saxon civilization. WASPs from all over the world fled here, fleeing from the offensive of the Latin, Islamic and yellow race. The Queen moved here after the fall of the monarchy in Britain in the late 21st century. The country was in self-isolation in the next two centuries. Kasei Confederation convinced them to get out of isolation in the late 24th century. Australians quickly adopted new technologies and social institutions. Soon they decided to restore the power of the Anglo-Saxon race over humanity. Together with Great Brazil they started the Great Interplanetary War and lost. Now Australia does not have an army. But this is the second economy of the Earth and the closest ally of the Martians in the eastern hemisphere.

Empire of Japan - Demographic collapse and the aging of the population forced Japan to move to a new economic formation. The Japanese government allowed gene modifications, artificial intelligence, and artificial cultivation of humans. This happened in the 2050's. Japan was the first to give up obsolete moral standards and therefore received the maximum benefit from new technologies.It’s economy began to develop rapidly. Political and military power grew too. This became the basis for the creation of the largest empire in the history of mankind. Japan possessed Western and Eastern Eurasia, Africa, Mercury, Mars and hundreds of asteroids. Her fleet reigned in the sky. Many countries have tried to throw the challenge of Tokyo. USA, California, Mexico, Brazil. They all lost. But these times are a thing of the past. Japan lost power after the Great Interplanetary War. The economy was completely destroyed and Tokyo was forced to give independence to the colonies and send the fleet to scrap. Now Japan is in the care of its eldest son. Its name is Confederation of Kasei. ** North American Union** - is the heir to the once great empire of the solar system. In the 21st century, America was the center of science and the arts, the leader of the space race and proudly possessed half of the Moon and Mars. But reactionary and SJWism have become the cause of degradation. At first, California gained independence, then the southern states separated from the union. After the Mexican Wars (Early 23rd century) in the United States came the era of civil wars and conflicts that lasted more than a century. The extraterrestrial colonies declared independence, the status of the leader was finally lost. Today, this is an ordinary second-rate American state with Anglo-Latin culture, a weak government and a mess on the periphery. It's a puppet of Mars like many others.

California - SJWism did not manage to ban the correction of the genome and cyborgization in California. Therefore, they forbade baseline humans to live in California in order to preserve equality. On the one hand, it separated the state from the rest of the US. On the other hand, transhumanists from all over the Western World came here. Soon it made California the world financial and industrial center. After separation from the US in 2058, California became the richest and most developed country on the planet. The Californians colonized the Moon and asteroids, terraformed Mars. They had an exceptional influence on world politics and could provide their interests anywhere in the world. But in the middle of the 22 century the era of Pax California came to an end. Tokyo gradually took the place of San Francisco. The ex-workshop of the world was finally destroyed by the Mexican occupation and the disengagement of the country. But this is a completely different story.

Brazil - was able to build a really strong economy and army in the mid-24th century. After that, Brazil decided to unleash a war with the whole world in order to occupy a dominant position in the solar system. Thus began the Great Interplanetary War. The joint armies of the UDF, the Kasei Confederation and Japan forced Brazil to surrender. They divided the country into two parts with different ideologies. The boundary between two newly formed representatives is potentially the hottest place in the solar system.

The Pacific Union - Economic and political alliance of the pro-Martian regimes of America, Pacific and East Asia. It is formed from states liberated to Martians from the Australian and Brazilian imperialists. The PU is much more conservative in its views than the alien patron and is not afraid to use the achievements of demaists in the creation of artificial intelligence.


/r/imaginarymaps Thread Link - sera-fim.deviantart.com