The Union of the Socialist European Republics

Part 3 of the lore:

As in our timeline, the russian revolution begins.

Russian troops, sent to take Berlin, now have to come back, while the germans manage to snatch away Poland at the last second.

While the king is killed, chaos ensues in Russia, and it's high command is in shambles.

A treaty is made between germans and russians, in order to end at least a part of this bloody conflict.

Now, all the germans troops can go into the western front, and a counter-offensive can be prepared.

A plan is made: to send back the Entente, and negotiate a truce.

This is the last hope for the germans, but, unfortunately it's too late.

The entente, knowing that the russians are unreliable, have waited and prepared a last offensive, a last chance to knock germany out of the war: take control of the rhine, destroy german forces, cut bavaria and take Munich.

Now that the russians have capitulated, this is their possibility to win the war, and so operation Standstill begins.

When the german reinforcements arrive, it's too late.

Bavaria has already been cut off.

The german high command is unable to do anything, while the government collapses.

And then a coup.

Germany's last party has come to show it's respect to the republic.

Waiting in the shadows, while growing it's numbers and protesting against the war, the socialist party finally takes action.

Now that they have control of the government, the socialists' next objective is clear:

winning the war.

End of part 3.

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