[Spoilers All] Share Your OCs - Weekly Headcanon Prompts!

well, I'll try to do this because it seems fun! I didn't set out to RP when I started playing, but I got attached to her and feel like I know her now. there's a pic: http://i.imgur.com/c0v84n9.jpg unfortunately I just went with the default first name so.. no imagination there.

Prompt 1

I picture my Adaar to stay with her mercenary band only through the responsibility she feels for the younger members she wants to guide on to a good path. Without that purpose she wouldn't know what to do with herself. After a certain age though, I think she will become tired with the lifestyle. She was always the mom or big sister of the group, and after a while she would feel like her presence wasn't fitting with the direction the band wanted to take. She'd find herself standing silently next to the loud drinking and singing, searching for a true and meaningful feeling.

I think if she was human she would have turned to the chantry to try and find a greater purpose spiritually. But since she's qunari, I think she would eventually break off from the band and roam alone as a cheap adventurer. She'd only take enough coin to keep her going, but she would try to help through altruism. The fearful attitudes towards her wouldn't get on her nerves since she's become very pateint during her travels, especially after spending so much time with her mercenary band. I think she in a way views everyone as children and quite innocent in their prejudice. They don't know better yet, but they will after she proves through her actions that they were mistaken.

Without the idealistic purpose of the inquisition and the inspiring love from Josephine, she would have a kind of bleak life. I don't think she would stay very long anywhere, because she wouldn't want to impose. If maybe she comes across Cole at any point, they would help eachother help others for a while.

Prompt 2

The demon at Therinfal Redoubt was effective enough! Showing her as a cruel person, someone she never would want to become that would hurt others and abuse their role as a leader probably frightens her. At the same time, I guess it could also strengthen her faith in herself if she could manage to not feel scared about it. Then it would be obvious to her that the demon was wrong.

Maybe something that would break her more easily is a demon that could trick her with showing compassion, and somehow explain to her that if she allowed the demon to posess her they could do a lot of good together. I don't think she's very cunning and probably wouldn't be able to see through the demons intentions. If they expressed themselves genuinly enough she would believe them, because she can be a bit gullible like that. It would probably be Desire, since they'd dangle the allure of a quick and easy way to fix all the worlds suffering infront of her.

/r/dragonage Thread