(Spoilers Everything) The faith and the crown are the two pillars....

"The faith and the crown are the two pillars that hold up this world. One collapses, so does the other."

In the books you would understand what the show leaves out-- there are truly 3 pillars that hold up the world:

  • The Crown - the Iron Throne at the Red Keep on Aegon's Hill
  • The Faith - the Great Sept of Baelor on Visenya's Hill
  • The Power - The Dragon Pit on Rhaeny's Hill

In a fully functional kingdom with a fully functional king all 3 are present - Crown Power, Faith, Weaponry (Dragons)

  • But that has never happened in a long time as each king has always gravitated towards one of those three powers - either a ruler without faith and the church challenges the king, a ruler without power and Lords challenges that king, or there is a bastard ruler without either and they are quickly disposed (Joffrey, Tommen). There is always a shift where one characteristic is dominant.
  • In the past history, the only truly successful Targaryen Kings were those who 1) were legitimate, 2) had faith (but not too much), 3) had the power of dragons to enforce obedience.
  • In the books Cersei burns down the Tower of the Hand after Tywin is killed. If she burns the Sept of Baelor and things get out of control (in the show) the resulting flame might be akin to 'the sun rising in the West', if you catch my drift -Daenerys' prophecy to return to Westeros through Dorne- the Red Door.
  • R+L=J should be J+L=J as Jorah Mormont raped Lyanna Stark and was therefore sent away by Ned - this is why Jeor Mormont gave the traditional Mormont blade Longclaw to Jon at the Wall. There's a lot of ironies there. There is no surefire evidence that R+L=J - that's just fan speculation that 90% of the fans can't even name the premises for. But the location of the family swords are like a DNA marker - magical swords never lie in Dungeons and Dragons sci-fi worlds.
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