(Spoilers Extended) The Dragon has Three Heads: Why three dragonriders riding three dragons is the key to saving Westeros

rather than having a more open discussion.

Wow, okay.

I don't think I was being particularly "rigid", nor was I looking for "fallacies".

I merely pointed out that you made four points: two of them were the same and fundamentally misunderstand the prophecy by injecting instrumental-ness of the dragons into it. The Tyrion point is just "I don't see it happening".

The "a dragon must die" point is very speculative, regardless of how many fans think it will happen.

I was rebutting your challenges, that's all. It's not particularly rigorous of me to notice that these don't substantially intellectually "challenge" the fan consensus, it's basically just a list of "I don't really see it going that way."

If you don't want to have a conversation about it, and instead tell me that I'm free to agree to disagree and that I don't have to "worry" about this topic, I concede that I should have stopped there. It doesn't sound like you want to have a particularly open conversation here.

One of the very first things I stated was that my opening statement was highly opinionated, so I don't see why you are harping on the use of the word "illogical" in that statement

I don't see how you obviously being opinionated here means that it's my fault for taking your words seriously. A better characterization than me taking this too "literally" is that you were not using your words precisely.

I personally don't understand why a person would post something so contrarian and then resort so much to "you don't have to agree with me, stop worrying" instead of just talking about the points, but you do you.

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