Why is Spongebob, DBZ and Yu-Gi-Oh a big deal on /r/blackpeopletwitter?

I may come off as unreasonable but I just wanted to share my thought from the experience.

I was born on 90. During my elementary years, Pokemon, doz, spongebob, Yugioh was the highlight for many students. Now I say many students because the ones that didn't delve into cartoons were mostly white friends. Even if they did, it was mostly rugrats, thornberry, Doug that they watched during pre elementary years. In elementary school, they were all about sports, celebrity shows, movies, and dramas. However they were into mature cartoons like family guy, South Park, and Simpsons. They kind of excluded themselves from those who watched childish cartoons and even looked down upon them.

The ones that did watch the cartoons were blacks, Asians, and Hispanics. They openly played Pokemon games or duel or talk about the shows they watch on Saturday morning.

As I went to middle school and high school, the trend was still the same but more people dropped cartoons and was hanging out with girls more. However, they were still chill with cartoons and even include them here and there during conversations and everyone in the group understood it.

With the white friends, they had no idea what those cartoon jokes were. It was definitely avoided when talking to them. But I noticed something during 8thgrade. Some of Those white friends from elementary school that looked down upon cartoon watching kids were actually into cartoons them selves. They were just hiding it cause their white friends don't like it. When I talked to one friend about it, he really wanted to keep it a secret from his friends. I didn't tell other guys but he really enjoyed talking to me about it. He told me that couple of his buddies actually have secret meeting to just watch the cartoon or play Pokemon. When I was invited to their secret meeting, it was just like when I hung out with my black or Asian friends and talking about cartoons and games.

Back to the original question. I think those shows are highly represented in the subreddit because of what they watched in the show. Almost all black friends watched them. I'm in grad school and I even casually mention dbz and they enjoy it. However some cartoons are easier to mention than others like spongebob. I feel like they are more open to talk about it in public than most other groups.

Again this is coming from my personal experience and don't mean to make one group look bad.

/r/OutOfTheLoop Thread