Stable Investment - which coin?

NuBits is a product of Nu. And Nu has a community. The client is not yet open source, but that is only a matter of time as discussion about that is already in the forum¹ ².

This might turn out to be a lengthy post, but I want to explain why in my opinion Nu created a clever solution for some problems while leaning on established models as far as possible.

Why am I talking about Nu? Because Nu offers not only the product NuBits, a pegged currency, but shares for Nu as well, called NuShares. NuShares are the volatile part of that concept, whereas NuBits are the stable part.
NuShares are the part you can invest in and speculate on.
NuBits are the stable part.
NuShares can be bought at exchanges.
There's no mining for NuShares.
NuShares are shares of the concept or the corporation (DAO style).

With NuShares the block chain is secured (by PoS minting).
The holders of NuShares have a strong incentive in securing the block chain, because the value their investment is tied to the security of the block chain.
While minting with NuShares votes can be cast. The block chain is not only a public ledger for transactions of NuShares and NuBits, but a public ledger for the cast votes as well.
Those votes are in the categories "custodian, park rate vote, motion".
By casting votes each participant in the nework can reliably and documented participate in the development.

There is no single organisation that supports Nu. Nu is supported by the holders of NuShares. Nu is supported by a special kind of community (amongst the community that discusses in the forum.

There would be much more to say, but on the one hand this post is long enough and on the other hand everybody that is interested can either visit the forum, read the whitepaper, or listen to a recent interview on letstalkbitcoin.

/r/CryptoCurrency Thread