Update: I told my mother on Sunday night that I’m joining the Marines and to make a long story short: she ended up putting in an online request for a Marine Officier Recruiter from my area to contact me.
We spoke at length and I let the Officier Recruiter know I had an Enlisted Recruiter I was working with. Ultimately, I don’t have a college degree so there’s nothing the Officier Recruiter to do. But the office of the Officier Recruiter and my Enlisted Recruiter did end up having words about my time at college and my recruiter ended up calling me frantically to confirm I never finished my degree.
I ended up speaking with my Enlisted Recruiter and conveying that I’m going to talk about my time at college at MEPS and how it’s important for me to find out how to finish my degree from Enlistment and possibly become an Officier. Also, if I don’t get Intelligence as my MOS I might look more seriously at other branches.
I’m interested in learning more about programs like Mustang(?) within enlisted to finish up my degree and any advice about navigating contracts. I have 89 credits towards an environmental science/philosophy degree.