[Star Wars] How bleak/difficult is life for the average person in the Galaxy? As in, on a scale of Awfulness from 1 to 10 (1 being us, 10 being Warhammer 40K).

Oh yeah, there are agriworlds and worlds that are mostly okay, but they're not the average. By sheer population concentration, the most average person in the Imperium lives in a craphole hive world.

Being flayed, eaten, or disintegrated is actually not very likely to happen to the average person in the Imperium. What is far more likely is just living in severe poverty in an incredibly polluted and corrupt world absolutely rampant with crime, ruled absolutely by the church and state, as a cog in a massive machine-city that is one of dozens across your world, which exists entirely for administrative purposes, as well as pumping out people to fight in wars or serve in other ways.

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