Stay classy Manotick

They believe him to be associated with China because of his close dealing with the Desmarais family. The Desmarais family has been extremely close to the liberal party of Canada since the Chrétien era. “They tap the leadership”. The issue is that the Desmarais family has exceedingly close ties to the Bo family. Bo Guagua has very close ties to senior associates of both trudeau and power corps “camp”.

Other times Trudeau’s desire to not stir issues with the Chinese have shocked and made other G7 leadership view Canada to be a bit of a joke on the international stage. One clear issue as of recent is the $100 of millions of dollars spent on Chinese produce fraudulent PPE (most g7 countries fell victim to this issue, not just Canada). Canada however is the only country that has NOT sought to have its money returned. Trudeau does not want to draw a fuss especially not while campaigning. Meanwhile he has in turn given soul source contracts to manufacture this PPE to a montreal group….that I’ll stay away from as nothing has made news at this time.

Feel free to ask further questions.

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