[Steam] Lunar New Year Sale - Day 2

UPDATE: I asked the dev for more info about what their future plans are for the game. But most importantly, i asked them what kind of business model they're gonna go for as well. This is what the dev had to say.

"@NON-FOUNDERS & PREMIUM GUARDIANS Yes that is correct. I tried to get the Guardians prices down to $4.99 but it just wouldn't work. Guardians will have unique abilities, weapon loadouts, voice acting and armors.

@STORE ITEMS There are many store items coming to the game (cosmetics) and this includes Hats, Guardians, Armor Shaders, Dinosaur Skins and Weapon Skins. Prices will range from $0.99c and above.

@STORE SALES/COUPONS The good thing about the store is that we will able to run sales on these items as well as provide coupons.

@PAY OR PLAY More importantly these items (including Guardians) can be achieved either by PLAYING or PAYING. We already have Trek Achievements in the game. Each of these have associated credits to them and these can be used to purchase Trek Store items.

@THE ORIGINAL THREE All three original/staple Guardians will be available to ALL owners of Guardians, including Non-Founders from the get-go. This includes the Assault, Support and Recon. These three classes are the classes that have been in EVERY Orion Game (2009 - Source Prototype, 2012 - Dino Beatdown, 2013 - Dino Horde, 2014 - Prelude, 2015 - Guardians of Orion) and will offer a complete gameplay experience.

@AS MUCH WARNING AS POSSIBLE If people choose to wait three months and purchase the game for $1 they will have to PAY or PLAY to get the other six already-confirmed Guardians and their playstyles. If anyone is even remotely interested in Guardians I highly suggest supporting it with this $2 event or any other event we participate in before the $1 May 2016 Event to get Founder status and save big time.

This game is going to be incredible."

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