Stephen Colberts reaction to the election is very good

I'm not going to let go of my resentment of his supporters and the GOP that easily. If anything, I'm more fired up now than during the election. The reason for that isn't blind partisanship on my part, but because Donald Trump started his candidacy with a statement smearing the integrity of the Mexican people, both here and there, and continued that trend by attacking minority after minority over and over again. He made horrible statements against his opponent, he bragged about sexual assault, he brazenly lied about solutions to very significant things he clearly doesn't know the first thing about, and he laughed at political integrity when it mattered most.

He took all that shit, put it in a bucket, and dumped it on our heads.

And his supporters loved it. They started saying the same things, attacking minorities, abusing them, banning or attacking people that didn't enjoy belittling others like they did. They reveled in being unrepentantly horrible to other people just because. Look, I enjoy discussing policy and economics with people I disagree with. I would love of the split in our government and electorate were based on issues that didn't hinge on empathy for other people or basic human rights. But that's not the case. America isn't divided on how to solve global or domestic socioeconomic crises, it's divided by one side thinking the other side is full of acceptable targets of angry, even violent bigotry who are not deserving of basic human dignity. That's not right, and it's one side of our nation that's forcing that split. We could be so much better.

So fuck Trump. And fuck the people who made this happen. Y'all have America's entire government in your nasty, angry little hands now, and the whole god damn planet is watching. Don't fuck it up.

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