STI and STD general discussion

Acyclovir is not a treatment for herpes if you don't already have it, it's a suppression pill. I have HSV1 that I got while single I don't know how long ago. I've been with my girl for 3 years, so at least before that, and I got my first outbreak in December of 2013 after we had been dating for a year. I always wore a condom, never got anything else. Here's what's up:

HSV1 is oral herpes and can be transmitted to the groin, HSV2 is groin herpes that can be transmitted to the mouth. The type of herpes you have prefers their "turf", so HSV1 groin outbreaks will calm down much more quickly and you'll have fewer of them than HSV2 outbreaks. Doctors don't know why. Same goes for oral HSV1 and oral HSV2. If you have HSV1 which most people already do, it'll occur on the mouth much more frequently than HSV2.

Wearing a condom does not help, you can still get it. It is transmitted by shedding of the virus cells from the infected area. A person can look clean and still give you the disease. It can be dormant forever, or you could have a year long outbreak immediately. Usually feels tingly in the groin before an outbreak, kind of like an itch but not itchy. Outbreaks will be frequent in the beginning and slowly stop. You could have one and never have another again, or you can have then constantly. The majority tend to eventually stop having them. Doesn't mean it still cannot be spread though.

Diet helps. Exercise helps. I've read stuff on l-larganine helping and reducing caffeine intake, that didn't do shit for mine. They make a cream that's a fucking God send and is by prescription only. Ask for it. It's amazing. Clears up outbreaks and prevents future ones. Acyclovir helps too, but for me I need 800mg for 7 days at the very least or it does nothing. The lowest they offer is 200mg x 10 days I think. It doesn't prevent it, and it's not guaranteed to work. The cream was the best. Besides that, my girlfriend doesn't care, we are faithful and I'm going to marry her so she's okay with not using protection. She's aware of the risk, but she met me after I had the virus.

Long story short is that you get over it, and eventually it calms down. I exercise 5 days a week and eat healthy, drink a shit ton of coffee, have a ton of stress (law school), I drink lots of water, I average 5 hours of sleep a night (6 if I'm lucky), but don't do drugs or drink alcohol. That helps my outbreaks. Year one I had three outbreaks, last year I had two, this year I had one and that was pretty much it. Usually happens after a major stressful event so I was waiting for it after finals but got nothing.

Most of all, don't worry about it. I made such a big deal when I got diagnosed but having it taught me that people blow it out of proportion. I wouldn't say no to dating someone if they have it as you can get it so easily and the person might think they're clean because the virus is dormant.

Just take care of yourself and hope for the best, and honestly it won't end your life. It's just a virus, it's not cancer.

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