Still painful to step on though

It does not look like a bomb.

Yes, it fucking does.

The fact that they did not evacuate the building makes it perfectly clear they knew it was not a hoax. If they get a phone call saying there is a bomb in the building, even though they don't see it, the building is evacuated.

Do you not know ANYTHING about the procedure here? The reason that a building is evacuated when they don't see the bomb is because they have no way of inspecting it, constituting a credible threat. On the other hand, they look at this thing, realize almost immediately that it's not a bomb, but see that it can be seen to look like one, and use that as evidence as intent to cause a bomb hoax.

In the article you linked he told every teacher that it was a clock.

He told his engineering professor that right away, yes. But not the English teacher, whom he only told it was a clock after she took it away from him.

Huh? When did he claim to invent anything? And yes, he took bits from one piece of electronics and put it back together, that's something kids who grow up to be engineers do, it's how lots of kids learned the basics.

From Good Morning America: "This isn't my first invention and it won’t be my last invention."

Yes, taking things apart and putting them back together is learning the basics, but it does not constitute "building" something, nor does it constitute an "invention." Taking a clock out of its case and mounting it in a pencil case with no documentation and no labeling doesn't show any sort of attempt to learn, it just looks like "look what I re-packaged."

Show me this "screaming".

Not literal screaming. You know what I fucking meant.

So race had nothing to do with it? Billy Smith would have been treated the exact same way?

Yes. If a white kid, or a black kid, or an asian kid, or whatever kind of kid you want to say opened this thing up in class while it was beeping, they too would have likely been taken into custody under the exact same charges. In my high school, a student was suspended for a week for having a picture of a gun as his laptop's wallpaper because it "could be seen as a threat to other students." Schools are WAY too touchy with what they deem as threats.

What has he lied about?

"Inventing" a clock

"Making" CPUs

Probably other things, too. I don't follow every word the kid says, but every time I see him on the news or on the internet, he's spouting lies about "inventing" the clock, when he clearly didn't, and the "Making CPUs...soldering them" thing from The Nightly Show was just another one on top of it.

See this is the weird anger I'm talking about

It's not weird at all to get angry about someone being rewarded for lying repeatedly and with a straight face. People do it with politicians all the time.

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