Stop being weirdos

Exactly. Anyone who has ever read a book, or watched a film or show, or played a video game, etc, has likely desired to "map" out a featured venue.

Wanting to know how several connected geographical locations (e.g. various sets and areas in RLM building) are related is definitely a natural human curiosity. This is no different than constructing a mental map of the Simpsons house based on all the interconnected rooms you have been shown over years.

Yes, the RLM building is their place of work, but it's also the location featured in every one of their videos, with many videos featuring them filming between rooms. They have put out hundreds of videos for our entertainment, they don't seem to care about showing us "behind the scenes" shots of the warehouse, and i can't see how they would give a real shit if one of their many fans wanted to know if Plinkett's House and Lightning Fast are in the same room. *The RLM building is the set for their television show. * This is no different than Mike assuredly knowing the precise layout of the Enterprise-D, or even how the sets of the enterprise D related in-studio, despite people "working there."

Anyone calling this "creepy" seems to be projecting some weird sentiment of their own, imo. OP wasn't presumably planning on murdering RLM. They aren't compiling a list of Rich's fears and turn-ons. They aren't installing cameras in the RLM bathroom or mapping out the dimensions of Jack's children's bedrooms; this was a silly little fan project that addressed something many of us have been curious about, hence the fact that almost every comment section in this subreddit has at least one person asking "have they shown us a tour of their warehouse yet?"

Wanting to know the layout of a location (fictional or not) that one has become very familiar with over years is hardly weird. I think it would be weird or disingenuous to be a long-time RLM fan and claim lack of curiosity.

/r/RedLetterMedia Thread Parent