the absolute state of things

"If I like the franchise I have to like it all and not think about negative aspects of it" also, "TOS? Naw. I heard it's boring."

Thanks for getting the ball rolling, OP. Just want to say (since this seems like a safe space) FUCK all these new Spocks, new Uhuras, new Enterprise that looks like a shitty billionaire's yacht, and most of all, fuck that SNW joke of a cardboard cutout of a redshirt who was billed as firey upstart JT Kirk. I mean seriously? I was able to hold my gorge down as they spray-painted over the great works Nimoy and other TOS folk had put down but this new bloodless fuckfaced vampire playing JTK is a JOKE. When I said as much on that sub, my comment was removed for not being constructive. Also, fuck all "section 31" bullshit - truly perverse. And i'm passing over STP in silence because where do you even begin with that abomination? Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.

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