Storm the MVP doggo saving a baby deer

Elephants also aren't prey once they reach a certain size.

au contraire; with enough money and narcissism elephants don't stand a chance

for those that will argue the particular incident above was for "conservation reasons" -- umm...ok. and look, it'd be hard to argue against that or hunting for sustenance. shit, my grandpa would drive his beat-up-old-something-pickup-with-a-camper-shell-he-built-out-of-his -own-timber to Colorado every fall to elk hunt; as recent as 20 years ago. he lived 30 minutes from the nearest grocery so yeah, i back that.

there are millions, perhaps hundreds of millions of people even in 2017 that have to hunt to for subsistence and conservational purposes; impossible to argue that no doubt. however, there are some that are leagues beyond those particular realms that seek that out and pay absurd amounts of money just to do it--i think that is weaker than a plate of screams insecurity, (sociopathy, and a bunch of other character flaws that i am not smart enough to articulate...but this, these, and this is dogshit. fuck 'em.

country boys are gonna' drink, hunt, fight, fish and fuck, no doubt...but that's what country boys have always done. i'm kinda from the country and i just do one of those...i'd really like to do a lot more of another one though.

tl;dr: guns/hunting with the absence of necessity are lame, and the super-rich fuckers that have that weird insatiable thing to do either are the scum of the earth. anyhow, xo.

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