Straight men of Reddit, what is the strangest thing you have been told not to do because "that's gay"?

I joined a strength and conditioning class and started lifting in 8th grade, was never an especially athletic kid. Well, I really took to it and soon it became my main hobby. I was quite obsessed for some time. It is important to note that I have always had an exceptionally large ass (it runs in the family), and lifting only made it bigger. In high school I learned, much to my surprise and excitement, than women found ass attractive too. So in an effort to impress the ladies, I began to wear skinny jeans and tight fitting joggers. I did not realize at the time that for some reason, people thought wearing tight pants as a guy made you gay. My attempt to impress the ladies backfired and the whole school began to think I was gay.

TLDR I wore tight pants in high school and was told I was gay

/r/AskReddit Thread