Straw Poll: Who are you planning on voting for this federal election?

Normally, I'm ABC and swing Liberal/NDP. Before you all downvote me, hear me out.

I'm in KSP and can't stand Dancho or anything to do with the Conservatives.

I want Trudeau to win again federally only because I care about the vaccine mandates and support a few other things he's done which will be undone by the Conservatives, but I do not like the Liberal KSP candidate one bit. Not JT's biggest fan normally though.

I'm not a fan of Singh, I find him disingenuous and no one seems to ever question him. He's put out some real BS on his Twitter lately (yeah, here's where you'll all downvote me). He had no problem running off to BC last year to campaign for Horgan (pro-pipeline, pro-old-growth forest logging), says nothing of Notely in Alberta and her pro-oil stance, and even Andrew Weaver says the NDP's climate plan isn't all that. Singh says a lot of things that anyone who'll never be PM says and he still doesn't seem to understand jurisdictions (actually, I think he does understand, but he's counting on some of his young supporters not to). However, I do like the local candidate.

At this point, I feel like sitting this one out. I feel like there's no point and there's really no one who represents my values. For me right now, the vaccine mandates are important, but, I don't know if I can bring myself to vote for the Liberal candidate in my riding.

/r/Winnipeg Thread