To stream or not to stream?

One thing I will say, and not to put you off, but just so you're prepared is that you will get trolls as a plus size girl gamer. I'm plus size myself and there are some really shitty people out there who will target you for it. So you need to be prepared to either put up with it (I'm not) or to ban people and let it roll off you (the best way in my personal opinion), but I'll admit that as someone who has struggled with my weight so much sometimes the stuff that trolls say does touch a nerve and can be upsetting, especially if you get a determined one that follows you around social media and makes multiple accounts etc.

But for that aside - I'd love to watch more girl gamers and plus size girl gamers in general and I think that you can create an inclusive community around you whilst having fun, and that's definitely worth doing.

/r/GirlGamers Thread